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About Us

Who We Are

Believers are members of God’s household, or God’s family. The phrase “church family” captures the depth of life that people share when they attend the same church. Believers who go to the same church do not just sit in the same building on Sunday mornings; church members go through life together much like a family. They experience joys and sorrows together, have the same desire to live as Jesus lived, and through the ups and downs of it all, become a family.

“So, then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).

Our History

Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church (GRPC) was started in the fall of 2004 by a group of believers gathered under the leadership of Hillcrest Presbyterian Church in Volant, Pennsylvania. Members of the group come from Clearfield, Elk, and Jefferson Counties. The goal of the group was to become a new congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in the DuBois area, under the oversight of the Presbytery of the Ascension (PCA). During the first year of its existence, GRPC had various speakers coming to preach for its services. In the fall of 2005, Pastor Charles Winkler came to serve the group on a full-time basis. The congregation was organized as a particular church of the PCA on October 21, 2007. Derek Miller was called as the associate pastor in 2009, and was installed on March 27, 2010. On December 31, 2011, Pastor Charles retired and Derek Miller became the pastor.

The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) was formed in 1973 to be a denomination that is “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission.”

The PCA is an evangelical denomination in that we proclaim the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The word “evangelical” comes from the Greek word meaning “good news.” We desire all people to trust in the saving work of Jesus and enjoy eternal life in him.

The PCA is a reformed denomination in that we believe in the biblical truth proclaimed during the Protestant Reformation. The Word of God, rather than tradition, is the only guide for the Church. God alone saves through his immeasurable mercy and according to his sovereign plan. We believe the system of doctrine taught in the Bible is summarized well in the Westminster Confession of Faith with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.

The PCA is a Presbyterian denomination in that we have a representative form of church government. A local church is governed by a “Session” comprised of elders (i.e., “presbyters”) elected by the members of the congregation. Pastors and representatives of local churches in a region form a “Presbytery.” Representatives of Presbyteries and local churches meet annually at a “General Assembly.”

The General Assembly Committees and Agencies help local churches combine their efforts and resources to advance God’s Kingdom more effectively.

The PCA is one of the faster growing denominations in the United States, with over 1700 churches and missions throughout the USA and Canada. There were over 335,000 communicant and non-communicant members as of December 2000.

The influence of the PCA extends far beyond the walls of the local church. Mission to the World has 519 career missionaries in almost 60 nations of the world, 169 two-year missionaries, and over 6500 short term missionaries. Because of the unique relationship between Mission to the World with over thirty mission organizations with whom some of our missionaries are working, some consider that the influence is far greater than our size might indicate. Indeed, PCA churches support an additional 690 career missionaries, covering over 130 nations. Further, with more than 100 chaplains in the military, Veterans Administration, prisons, and hospitals, and 45 college and university campus ministers, the Gospel is proclaimed to a rather large audience around the world not reached through usual outreach channels. Because of the emphasis on education, there are many members of the PCA who are teachers and professors at all levels, including a significant number of large universities and theological seminaries.

In this new century, the Presbyterian Church in America continues its commitment to evangelism world-wide and the building up of the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Denomination

About Grace and Truth


About Grace and Truth

Derek Miller – Pastor

Derek began following and serving Jesus back in 1991. He graduated from Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA, 1994 then went on to receive his seminary degree from Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA 1998. His first call to pastoral ministry was at the Sterling Reformed Presbyterian Church in Sterling, KS as their Associate Pastor. A few years later in 2001 this same congregation called him to be their Pastor. In 2007 he became the Assistant Pastor at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA. He is currently a member of the Presbytery of the Ascension (PCA).

Derek is married to Kelly and they have three children: Rachel, Rebekah and Nathanael. They live in downtown Dubois.


Matthew Hoover – Ruling Elder

Matt works at Kurtz Bros. in Clearfield. He’s married to Sarah and has four children. Besides work as a ruling elder on the Session, Matt serves as the treasurer for the Church and the webmaster for this site.
About Grace and Truth